Rescue Piglet Just Can’t Stop Running, Until She Feels Her New Blanket

A Tennessee family who has four mini pigs just added a new one to the family after they got a call about a baby piglet in need of a home. The little rescue piglet is named Piper and is happy as can be with her new family.

They recently discovered she loves blankets. A lot. If Piper sees a blanket lying around she’ll dive onto it, run and rub and slide all over them! She must like the feel on her belly as her family says she does it every day.

Hover over the image below and press the play button to see Piper having fun with one of her blanket!

She really likes the red blanket too as the video below demonstrates.

In fact, Piper will snuggle with everything that’s soft and fuzzy.

She recently got to snuggle with a real puppy. She lives next door and came over for a visit!

I think Piper has discovered new favorite snuggle pal.

Share this cute and cuddly rescued mini-pig with your friends!

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