Homeless Boy And Stray Puppy Share Powerful Friendship

Eleven-year-old Rommel was abandoned by his mom and dad after they separated and has been begging on the streets of Quezon City in the Philippines since he was 10 years old. Estranged from his siblings, Rommel gets by by begging for change with his puppy Badgi.

While being interviewed by Coconuts TV , Rommel talks about his life and his story is truly heartbreaking to listen to. The one glimmer of kindness the boy has is from Bagdi, who follows him everywhere and protects him from street thugs.

Rommel wants to go to school and is trying to save up to go, but in the Philippines education isn’t free. But there is some hope. Since the video was released, many people have stepped forward to try and help Rommel and Bagdi. Rommel is now enrolled in school according to GMA TV and social welfare services has been contacted. Several organizations are also working to assess Rommel’s situation and find him a safe place to live.

P.S. Puppy Badji isn’t hurt at the end of the video. Rommel is simply showing off his acting skills, as he aspires to be an actor when he grows up.

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