Citizens Come To Cop’s Aid After He Gets Run Over By DUI Suspect

Drinking and driving not only impairs someone’s physical abilities it seriously impairs their ability to think! Sgt. Kerstan Tatro pulled over a driver recently after noticing she was driving erratically and allegedly speeding near Pensacolo Bay Bridge in Florida.

As the officer stood by the driver’s side of the window speaking to her, he noticed she was attempting to put her vehicle in gear. He immediately asked her to step out of the car. When she didn’t and started her vehicle, he attempted to reach for her keys only to have her throttle the gas and drive away!

She carried him a short distance and then ran over his foot! Passing motorists immediately stopped to help and one passing motorist called 911 and followed the suspect to a hotel where she was later arrested.

The driver of the vehicle is currently behind bars in Escambia County and facing charges of possession of drugs and driving under the influence among others.

Sgt. Tatro suffered a compound fracture to his arm and is recovering in hospital.

In the dash cam video you also see Tatro’s teenage daughter get out of a red car at 1:30. She was passing by after leaving the mall. The father of 5 told news outlets, “She was screaming ‘my dad that’s my dad.’ I was thinking what is she doing here?”

It’s disturbing how dangerous that situation became but I was encouraged to see the number of Good Samaritans who stopped to help the officer!

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