Young Man Shows Parents How Easy It Is To Endanger Their Teenage Sons Using Social Media

There’s a reason that the recent video Coby Persin did to educate parents and young girls to the dangers of using social media went viral. It’s become very easy for child predators to target and prey on children and teens using fake social media profiles. Coby decided to do a follow-up experiment to show that it’s not just young girls who are in danger, but young boys as well.

After getting the boys’ parents permission, Coby creates a fake teenage female’s profile and uses it to befriend and then lure the unsuspecting teenage boys to meet up. What ends up happening is terrifying for both the kids and for their parents. It’s also a strong reminder to educate boys as well as girls to the dangers of meeting up with strangers they’ve connected with online.

Share this scary video and important life lesson for teens with your family and friends!

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