Most Unlikely Mom Saves Baby Squirrel

Nothing compares to a mother’s love. This amazing story demonstrates how powerful that love truly is.

A baby squirrel named Rocky fell out of a tree and was in danger of dying when Emma and Jim Watkins rescued the little animal and placed him in the care of a cat they had rescued.


That might sound a bit crazy, but Emmy had just become a new mother and immediately accepted the squirrel as one of her own babies. She let Rocky nurse alongside of her kittens and keeps a watchful eye on the small rodent.


But what’s even more amazing is that Jim and Karen Watkins said that Rocky thinks he’s like his adoptive siblings. So much so that he makes a purring sound when he’s picked up and petted.


There’s no plans to send Rocky back into the wild, given he’s been domesticated and has been raised by a family of cats. So he has a permanent home with the Watkins and Emmy.

This story reminds me a lot of the cat who adopted three ducklings! It’s truly amazing what a mother’s love can do, no matter what the species of animal.

Please share this adorable animal story with your family and friends!

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