Cute Kitten Has Priceless Reaction To His Reflection In Mirror

When this adorable tabby cat spots his reflection in a mirror for the first time, hilarity ensues. This feisty kitten goes straight into attack mode and thinks his reflection is an enemy. The kitten keeps trying to jump at the “other kitten.”

Of course, his harmless reflection doesn’t back down, but this little guy still tries to pull out his best moves. It arches its back, hisses and scratches, obviously scared of his own reflection. He runs after his reflection but can’t seem to figure out why he can’t catch the other kitten.

Despite his best attempts to scare away his lurking doppelganger, the tired kitten walks away defeated. This hilarious cat is guaranteed to make you smile.

Enjoy and please SHARE this funny cat video with all your family and friends on Facebook.

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