Police Officer Saves The Life Of An Addicted Homeless Man With Simple Act Of Kindness

A chance encounter and a simple gesture of kindness was all it took for an officer to change the destiny of a homeless man. It all started when Deputy Holman of Greenville County Sheriffs’ Office in Greenville, South Carolina, pulled over one night after noticing a man soaking wet in the rain. The man named Robert Morris was homeless and addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Holman could tell that Morris needed someone to talk to, so they walked together to a nearby church, where they had an in-depth conversation about Morris’ life and his struggles. Holman bought him some food as well and afterwards asked if Morris needed anything else. Morris answered, “Yeah, I need a Bible.”

Holman typically keeps a few extra Bibles in his car, but on this particular night he didn’t have any. But he did have his own personal Bible, which he was reluctant to part with, given it had sentimental value to him and he had highlighted verses and marked up the pages.

“I wrestled with the fact that I knew my personal Bible was in the car and I didn’t necessarily want to give that up,” Holman said in a video describing the events. “But I kind of felt like God was telling me, ‘He needs this more than you do.’”

Watch and listen to Robert and Deputy Holman tell the rest of their touching story in their own words in the video below. You won’t be sorry; it’s a truly inspirational story. Morris would later say that meeting Holman that day saved his life!

Be sure to share Deputy Holman’s touching act of kindness with your family and friends.

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