What Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Diet And Your Health

Everyone in the world poops. It’s a universal biological function that’s a fact of life, although it’s not something we talk about openly. Despite the gross factor surrounding poop, there are many insights people can get into their general health by monitoring their bowel movements regularly. Being knowledgeable about your digestive process can help you identify when something may be going awry.

This infographic from HealthWorks helps summarize poop in all its shapes and textures.

The color of your poop could also reveal information about your health such as:

  • Brown is normal. Poo is naturally brown due to the bile you produce.
  • Green may indicate is moving through your large intestine too quickly. It could also indicate you’ve eaten a lot of leafy greens.
  • Yellow may indicate there’s excess fat in your diet, which could be due to a malabsorption disorder like celiac disease.
  • Black could indicate internal bleeding due to something like an ulcer or cancer. Vitamins and mineral supplements like iron or bismuth subsalicylate also can cause blackness.
  • Light-colored, white or gray poop could indicate a bile duct obstruction. Go see a doctor.
  • Blood-stained or red poop could indicate internal bleeding. Always see a doctor if you have bloody stool.

Note that the following information is general information only and in no way should the information be used to substitute the advise of a certified medical professional! Always consult a doctor if you have any concerns regarding your health.

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