Man Gives Parched Possum Water After Seeing Her Struggling In Heat

Australia is having an incredibly hot and dry summer this year, and humans and animals alike are suffering in the heat. Ben Saunders recently saw a possum in Melbourne who was “really struggling” in the 104-degree F (40 C) heat and decided to lend a hand and offered her some water, which she gratefully took.

“It might only be a small ringtail possum but I hate to see any animal suffering,” Ben wrote on Facebook. “I was just driving along and saw her on the ground really struggling in this 40 degree Celsius heat. She only just had enough energy to get up this tree. She was fairly happy to get a big drink of water and is now happily back in the tree in her nest.” He added, “Keep an eye out for any wildlife that might be suffering in this insane heat!”

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