How To Hang Artwork On The Wall Perfectly Every Time

When you move into a new home, hanging your artwork is usually the decorating touch that finishes off the room. But making sure you hang it properly so that it’s positioned perfectly on the wall can be tricky. That’s where this tip comes in.

There is a simple formula that will ensure your art is at the right level when you hang it on the wall and is guaranteed to create a comfortable relationship between art and the room. Don’t worry, the formula doesn’t require extensive algebra, it’s a simple math formula.

Here are the key rules according to interior designer designchickee:

One thing to note is that the standard “on center” height to work from is 60″ on center (this measurement is the gallery and museum standard).

Regardless of what size of artwork you prefer, this tip will help prevent hanging art too high or clumsily hanging multiple pieces. By following these steps, your art will look great in your space!

Jacob Kurtenbach gives a run-down of the technique he uses to hang a perfectly level picture frame or mirror.

Lowes also shares their how-to tips in the video below:

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