Woman Receives Nasty Comments Online About Her Face And Makes This Viral Video In Response

Recently, Em Ford began posting images of herself without makeup on social media. Since that time, over 100,000 people have commented on her face. Like almost everyone, she’s struggled with acne and skin issues. Despite that fact, she was berated and bullied about her bad skin, some even going as far as telling her “you look disgusting”. So she made this powerful video in which she puts on makeup accompanied by real comments that she received on images of her face.

“I wanted to create a film that showed how social media can set unrealistic expectations on both women and men,” writes Ford. “One challenge many face today, is that as a society, we’re so used to seeing false images of perfection, and comparing ourselves to unrealistic beauty standards that it can be hard to remember the most important thing – You ARE beautiful. Believe in yourself, and never let anyone tell you’re not beautiful – not even yourself.”

Share Ford’s powerful message with your friends and family!

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