13 Awkward Struggles Every Short Girl Will Understand

For the girl who’s ever had to stand on a countertop to reach the top kitchen shelf, or always has to hem her pants, the struggles in these pictures are oh-so real. But that doesn’t mean short girls can’t find the humor in the situation!

1. Having to use countertops to reach the shelves.

2. Swimming pools!

3. Why front-loaders are preferred for laundry.

4. Store shelves are ladders to get to stuff.

5. Bathroom mirrors.

6. “My feet don’t touch the floor when I sit down. I have to climb into almost any chair.”

7. Being hard to spot with friends.

8. Kissing.

9. The rules at fun parks.

A photo posted by Robyn Mathis (@robynsworldd) on

10. Time at the gym.

A photo posted by Bryanna (@breighn13) on

11. Other people’s kitchens.

12. Other people’s showers.

13. “How independent short girls wash a car.”

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