Injured Swan Gives Her Rescuer A Loving Hug

Swans usually have a reputation for being vicious when they are scared or feel under threat. But when television show host, Richard Wiese, met an injured one, the swan nuzzled into his neck for comfort instead.

Wiese hosts the U.K. show “Born to Explore” and was visiting the Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset, England a few years ago. The swannery is the world’s largest and only managed colony of wild nesting mute swans.

He was visiting the bird sanctuary with two swan rescues to help care for several injured swans. The swan Wiese met was hurt after she flew into a chain link fence. He was picking her up to transport her to be rehabilitated.

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“When I put it next to me I could feel its heart beating and it just relaxed its neck and wrapped it around mine,” Wiese told ABC News. “It’s a wonderful moment when an animal totally trusts you.”

Wiese was getting the swan ready for transport to Swan Lifeline in Windsor, England. She obviously felt comfortable enough to curl around him.

Although this lovely swan trusted him enough to wrap her neck around his, it’s not something he or wildlife rehabilitators recommend. Swans are territorial birds and incredibly strong. Wiese told the news station that swans are beautiful but they “can be vicious” around people.

Certainly, Wiese’s encounter was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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