Dog Competing in Obstacle Course Adorably Says ‘Hello to Everyone’ at Crufts

A Jack Russell cross Papillon dog at the UK’s largest dog show Crufts made the audience laugh with her cute antics while participating in an obstacle course called Hoopers Display. Hooper’s Display is designed as a low impact sport, different from the more high energy Agility courses, and open to all dogs.

The dog named Penny immediately won over the crowd with a cute little hop over a pole but then she veered off course to say hello to her adoring public halfway through the course.

The good humoured announcer played along as Penny went over and cheerfully wagged her tail and went from person to person. “‘I’ll just check out over here’…I think we have a people-loving Jack Russell cross Papillon here, she’s going to say hello to everyone,” said the announcer.

Just when you think the little Jack Russell has gotten back on track she heads towards the judge. Laughing, the announcer said in Penny’s “voice”, “‘I didn’t say hello to the judge yet, I might have to…'”

Watch the adorable video here:

The full video of Hooper’s Display can be viewed here (with Penny showing up at 18:24).

It’s not the first time a dog has won over the audience at Cruft’s by “going off script.” Kratu the dog made the crowd laugh with his unique take on the agility course as did Sally the rescue dog. And then there was Tinkleberry Bingo who just refused to do it. All the dogs, including Penny, are just so incredibly sweet and entertaining by being themselves. No wonder they’ve all become crowd favorites.

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