Young Homeless Man’s Life Turned Around with Simple Act of Kindness On A Cold Day

Recently, on a very cold day in Lewisville, Texas, a young homeless man’s life was about to be turned around thanks to a simple act of kindness. Doug Evans and his wife Kylie were out driving when they saw a man shivering in the cold. It was around 12 degrees Fahrenheit outside (-11C). Their heart went out to the man and they knew that it wasn’t safe for him to remain outside in the below-freezing weather.

Nearby, Paloma Robles, the General Manager at a Texas McDonalds was going about the day. The location wasn’t busy because only the take-out window was open and the dining room closed because of the frigid weather. So she was caught off guard by the knock at the door. Doug and Kylie were at the door with Derek Mounter and asked if they could come inside to warm up.

She let them in and while Derek warmed up he shared his story. He was studying in college but ended up on the streets after a bad break-up and a car wreck that nearly killed him. He said he tried desperately to get a job but didn’t have any luck. Paloma could see Derek needed someone to give him a chance so she offered him an opportunity and offered him a job.

Derek has turned out to be a hard-working employee. He said his change of circumstances makes him emotional: “It almost brings me to tears because most people don’t want to give you a chance, you know?”

What a wonderful change of circumstances for Derek and it’s all thanks to three individuals opening their hearts to help.

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