Clever Dog On Trampoline Knows To Expect Static Shock

Dogs really can learn almost anything from their humans as Laya’s dad discovered when they were hanging out on the trampoline together.

The Border Collie/Boxer mix “loves lounging on the trampoline” according to her dad. “While hanging out with her one day, I got off the trampoline and it shocked me.”

But Laya had observed her dad closely. “She then got off the trampoline and she prepared for the static shock knowing it would occur,” says her dad. “I found this to be hilarious and decided I had to get it on video.”

So not only did Laya learn it, she remembered to do it the next time! How smart is that?

Millions of viewers think Laya is very smart. “That’s awesomely amazing that doggy learned to anticipate that the way we do. I hate knowing that’s coming, electricity pop,” commented one viewer.

“Dogs are so smart, they are priceless,” said another.

“Dogs are so cool,” observed another. “He saw the owner do that and realized he better too.”

Laya isn’t the only dog who likes hanging out on the trampoline. Moose the Great Dane loves to take a nap on his.

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