This Is What School Lunches Are Like In Japan And It’s Absolutely Wonderful

You’ll get inspired when you see how Japanese students operate their lunch period! At this elementary school in Saitama, Japan, lunch is placed as a learning period.

Students grow their own vegetables on the school’s farm and then cook the food. They serve meals to their fellow classmates and clean up afterwards. In this video, the students prepare a menu of fish with pear sauce, mashed potatoes and five-vegetable soup. How amazing is that? It’s quite the contrast to school lunch time in North America!

As one YouTube commenter writes, “Look at that, at a young age they’re taught to eat fish and healthy food some of which they’ve grown themselves. They are taught personal hygiene, how to serve food to their fellow classmates, clean after themselves after each meal, recycling and being thankful to the people who made the food for them.”

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