Pony’s Visit Is A Dream Come True For Sick Boy In Hospital

Tristan Russell couldn’t speak, was in a coma and underwent hours of brain surgery after he fell out of a third-floor window in March 2011. They young boy suffered severe brain trauma and underwent intensive therapy at Our Children’s House at Baylor (OCH) to help him walk and regain motor skills. During his stay, he got a very special visitor, a Shetland pony named Spirit!

A year later, Tristan was better and attending kindergarten!

I also want to share what his mom wrote about Tristan’s meeting with Spirit, because it’s so touching!

“When we got to OCH we knew it was the right place for Tristan within the first 20 minutes. Let me tell you how we knew. We had just been placed in our room and the doctors, nurses, therapists, and staff were all coming in and out to meet Tristan. The Occupational Therapist was in the room and all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. One of the child life specialist’s opens the door and says “We have a dog and a pony here in the hall for about 5 more minutes. Do you think he’d like to see one of them?”

I said “A pony? He loves ponies!”

I had Sean grab the flip camera as they bring a Shetland pony named Spirit right next to Tristan in his bed. Spirit starts to nibble Tristan’s socks. It was adorable.

After Spirit leaves the OT says “I can’t believe they had a pony. I’ve seen them bring in dogs but never a pony.”

Well, I thought it was awesome! It just couldn’t get any better, right? But wait . . . there’s more.

I took the flip camera home to show the kids. After Logan [Tristan’s brother] saw it he said, “Hey! That’s what I prayed for!”

I asked him what he was talking about.

He answered “When this whole predicament started, I prayed that he would pull through and get better and all that. Then I prayed he would get to see a real live pony with his own eyes.”

I admit I was a bit awestruck at first but then I said to him; “You see, that’s GOD’s way of letting you know He heard your prayer and that Tristan is in the place he needs to be to help him get better.”

It gives me chills to think about it. God is so good. He took time to answer a child’s prayer that his baby brother could see a pony; just one small pony.”

Share this lovely moment with your friends and family!

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