Beachgoers Jump Into Action To Save Three Manatees Stranded On Beach

Almost 100 people jumped into action to save three stranded manatees on a Florida beach. Clearwater Fire Rescue arrived at the beach after someone ran into their station and asked for help and saw a group of people trying to lift the heavy marine mammals back into the water.

Stormy weather and conditions had pushed the manatees close to shore, leaving them stranded. They moved the animals inches at a time, trying to get them into deeper water.

The firefighters helped by digging the sand underneath the animals. A short time after, there were cheers and applause as the last of the manatees was successfully lead to deeper waters.

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Clearwater Fire Rescue took some video of the rescue efforts, and one firefighter commented that in his 27 years of service, he had never rescued a manatee.

What wonderful teamwork. I’m sure it’s memory that will last for all those involved. Watch and share the videos with your family and friends!

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